Archive February 16, 2023

Can Medical Cannabis impair Our Defence Mechanisms?

Medical Cannabis

Preliminary studies suggest that cannabis may have an immunosuppressive effect. Though this holds promise for treating disorders brought on by an overactive immune system, it may put otherwise healthy people at greater risk of infection. However, how cannabis affects immunological function is still poorly understood. Here, you may read what the research has to say.

The Functioning of the Immune System

Let’s quickly review how the immune system functions before we go into how medical cannabis could affect immunity. Two main types of physiological defence exist: innate immunity and adaptive immunity.

Every living thing has an initial line of defence against outside invaders called the innate (or universal) immune system. The skin and the mucous membranes (the lining of the nose, mouth, lungs, and other organs and cavities) are all part of this system, which works together to keep harmful bacteria at bay.

Enzymes, acids, and mucus are all used by these biological barriers to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. A subset of the cells that make up the innate immune system are phagocytes, which are specialised to digest dead or dying organisms. The word “phago” comes from the Greek word “phagein,” which meaning “to eat.” Indeed, phagocytes live true to their moniker by enclosing and “eating” invading microbes.

Our adaptive (or acquired) immunity is considerably more targeted and effective than our innate immunity, which relies on a more brute-force approach to eliminating invaders. The adaptive immune system kicks in as backup if our innate defences fail, and it begins to recognise the invader and produce antibodies tailored to destroy it.

Does marijuana help or hurt the immune system?

Without a functional immune system, human beings would not survive for long. Bacteria, fungi, and viruses are everywhere around us, waiting for the chance to invade our bodies and feast on our cells.

Our immune system is a multi-layered defence system consisting of a wide variety of organs, cell types, and proteins that work together to combat harmful environmental factors. They aren’t always effective enough, though, to stop an illness in its tracks.

We all become sick from time to time, but because to our immune systems’ ingenuity, we always recover better and are better prepared to fight off future bouts of the common cold, influenza, and other contagious illnesses.

Many people try to improve their immune systems through diet, exercise, behavioural modifications, and dietary supplements in order to lessen their susceptibility to illness.

Connecting the Dots: Cannabis, the Immune System, and the Endocannabinoid System

The immune system, like every other part of the body, cannot function alone. The endocannabinoid system is a term familiar to cannabis experts (ECS).

While researching the physiological effects of cannabis, scientists stumbled onto the components of this system. They eventually learned that it has a presence in every organ and system, from the central nervous system and skeleton to the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and immune system.

The ECS was named the “universal regulator” of the human body because of its role in maintaining homoeostasis, or internal stability.

Both CB1 and CB2 receptors, signalling chemicals anandamide and 2-AG, and enzymes involved in endocannabinoid biosynthesis and catabolism make up the classical ECS.

These components are widespread in the immune system and play important roles in immunological regulation, homoeostasis maintenance, and modulation.

CB1 and CB2 receptors are found on many different kinds of immune cells, such as B cells, natural killer cells, monocytes, CD8 and CD4 lymphocytes, and many more. This is where endocannabinoids come in, since their binding to these receptors helps to control processes like the body’s inflammatory response.

The Influence of Marijuana on the Body’s Defense Mechanisms

Due to its close relationship with the ECS, cannabis may serve as a physiological defence mechanism modifying agent. You see, the structure of endocannabinoids (which occur naturally in the body) and phyto-cannabinoids (which occur naturally in plants) is quite similar.

This suggests that cannabinoids from the outside, such as THC and CBD, may be able to attach to ECS receptors, modulate enzyme activity, and behave in a manner similar to that of endocannabinoids. Plant cannabinoids may provide a means of “hacking” the ECS in regards to immunity, as our endocannabinoids exert considerable control over our immune system.

Illnesses Caused by the Immune System

The immune system may sometimes go awry. Autoimmune illnesses occur when the body’s immune cells mistake healthy tissues like skin, joints, and nerves for harmful pathogens like bacteria and viruses.

Inflammatory cascades triggered by this self-inflicted harm manifest as symptoms including lethargy, muscular pain, fever, hair loss, and rashes. Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic skin disease, and multiple sclerosis are all examples of auto-immune disorders.

Some of the earliest studies to focus on the anti-inflammatory effects of cannabis focused on their ability to halt the development of autoimmune diseases. Evidence from animal and cell research also points to a possible immunosuppressive impact of cannabis.

Virus Infection and Immune System Dysfunction

Is it possible that cannabis might help viruses and other infectious infections by suppressing the immune system? Certainly, that’s not out of the question. This may explain why chronic and heavy cannabis users have lower immune systems and a greater propensity to contract and spread diseases.

Even more concerning, the few available evidence shows that chronic cannabidiol (CBD) usage may activate myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), which dampen the immune system and may raise the risk of cancer. There is continuing research looking into the effects of some cannabis compounds on pathogenic viruses and bacteria, despite the chemicals’ effects on the immune system.

Smoking marijuana and getting HIV

Spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) occurs predominantly through unprotected sexual activity. Once inside, the infection operates like a parasite, destroying the body’s defences.

HIV induces flu-like symptoms and a large decrease in CD4+ T cells, which aid in recruiting additional immune cells in the face of infection, in the early stages of infection. The virus will continue to multiply even after the first symptoms have subsided, but it may take years before it manifests itself again.

Subtly but persistently, it weakens and compromises the immune system, leading to immunocompromised status.

See Also: Can CBD Oil Help for Tinnitus?

It seems to reason that those living with HIV should steer clear of cannabis as scientists investigate the plant’s immunosuppressive effects. Many of them, however, utilise the plant, according to polls.

The potential benefits of cannabinoids for lowering viral replication and increasing T cell numbers are being studied alongside the potential risks of cannabis use in HIV patients.

Degenerative Neurological Diseases

Neurodegeneration is a hallmark of multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune illness. Inflammation of the central nervous system is initiated by immune cells. Myelin is a fatty encasing that surrounds and insulates nerve cells, and the cells acquire a taste for it throughout this process.

This attack, when sustained, can destroy the protective covering of the nerves, known as myelin, and eventually disrupt the normal firing patterns of the nervous system. Ongoing research is examining the CB1 receptor and drugs that bind to this location for their possible neuroprotective effect.

Does Cannabis Help or Hurt the Immune System?

There is not enough information for us to answer your question with certainty at this time. There is some indication that the herb possesses immunosuppressive qualities that may have some therapeutic use; however, if this is the case, it may also pose some risks for people with impaired immune systems and heavy herb users.

As a result, further studies involving actual people are required before we can reach a definitive conclusion.


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For all these inquiries; including most medicinal cannabis products available on the market, prescribing medicinal cannabis, information about smoked cannabis, how to bring medicinal cannabis product on a travel, medical conditions that can be cured by medical cannabis products, recreational cannabis, other general use of cannabis, you should schedule a consultation session today with our experts at Chronic Therapy to get medical professionals advice about any of the above mentions.

Can CBD Oil Help for Tinnitus?


Tinnitus is an audiological and neurological ailment that affects millions of people around the world. However, medical science has not yet discovered a solution for the condition. As a consequence of this, those who experience tinnitus are forced to look for any kind of relief they may get. Cannabidiol, often known as CBD, may be an option for some people as a result of this.

CBD oil from cannabis plant has gained popularity due to claims that it can alleviate a wide range of symptoms, including those of insomnia, chronic pain, and anxiety. The ringing in the ears may even be reduced, according to some users.

Is there evidence to support this, though? Here, you’ll find out.

What is Tinnitus?

Hearing sounds or ringing in the ears that have no external cause is known as tinnitus. The elderly is disproportionately affected, yet anyone can get the condition.

The level of distress caused by tinnitus varies from person to person, but for some, the persistent buzzing, roaring, or ringing can be intolerable.

Tinnitus is not a disease but rather a symptom of an underlying problem. The following are some possible explanations:

  • degeneration of the auditory system with aging
  • high cholesterol with blood pressure
  • constant exposure to noisy environments
  • Muscle spasms in the middle ear
  • injures to the head or neck
  • Ear or auditory nerve tumors in patients with Meniere’s disease
  • excessive ear wax buildup
  • problem with the jaw’s temporomandibular joint

Can CBD Oil Help for Tinnitus?

CBD CBD from cannabis sativa plant for tinnitus has had conflicting results in the scientific literature. A 2015 study in animals found that combining CBD and THC worsened tinnitus.

There is not enough evidence from animal or human trials to confirm that medical cannabis can help relieve tinnitus, according to a more recent evaluation of studies from 2020.

However, a 2020 study revealed that CBD might aid with hearing loss and tinnitus due to its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. However, additional study is required, especially in human subjects.

CBD may help with tinnitus-related symptoms like stress and sleeplessness, but it may not be a solution.

Further Research on CBD And Tinnitus

It is essential to know that the quality of products sold on the commercial market is not governed by any standards and might vary greatly. Products that include hemp seed oil, for instance, but do not really contain any CBD in their formulations. 

There is still a significant lack of accessibility to medical cannabis from CBD, as it is almost exclusively sold in dispensaries located in places where marijuana has been legalized, either for THC or CBD, or both. 

Both cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 have been identified in the brain, and both respond favorably to the presence of cannabis and CBD. New evidence suggests these receptors contribute to both balance and hearing. This has prompted some to speculate that CBD supplementation could alleviate the symptoms of hearing problems like tinnitus. However, there is not a great deal of data available.

CBD oil was used to treat lab rats with tinnitus in 2015, but the results showed that it had no beneficial effects and, in some cases, actually made the condition worse (in rats, at least). In order to make any firm results, human research is required, as indicated in a 2020 literature analysis.

Tinnitus sufferers often struggle with stress, but there’s some hope that cannabidiol (CBD) could assist. A study published in Neurotherapeutics in 2015 found that CBD was helpful in lowering anxiety behaviors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). 

Similarly, information about potential adverse effects is scarce. When used with other drugs, such as blood thinners, CBD can have negative side effects.

Is it Safe to Use CBD Oil for Tinnitus?

According to the World Health Organization, CBD is usually safe for most people and is unlikely to cause negative effects.Some of the possible adverse effects are lack of or increase in weight, exhaustion, and nausea.

Consult your doctor before trying CBD, especially if you are already on any drugs, even if any potential adverse effects are likely to be minor. There is a possibility that CBD could interact with a number of common pharmaceuticals.

It’s also worth noting that CBD products are not governed by the FDA. The Food and Drug Administration has strict regulations in place for companies that make fraudulent claims, but this does not mean that all CBD products available without a prescription are risk-free and beneficial.

If you want to make sure you’re getting a good product, you’ll have to look into it on your own.

What CBD Product is Best for Tinnitus?

CBD oil is preferable to other forms of CBD because of its greater absorption and capacity to induce whole-body effects; nonetheless, there is no evidence that CBD can aid with tinnitus. However, ensure to choose a product that addresses a wide range of symptoms to maximize the entourage effect.

Should You Try CBD for Tinnitus?

Experts explain that tinnitus patients often have high levels of mental distress from the constant ringing in their ears, so anything that helps with stress relief is appealing. However, it’s only been recent that they’ve taken to utilizing CBD.

Notwithstanding, they acknowledge that a major difficulty with CBD is that everyone reacts differently. What’s the right dose for me can be too high or low for you. In addition, not everyone has the same reaction. Some individuals feel it right away. Some people need to take it consistently for a couple of weeks before they see any results. 

In addition, there are those who feel absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, finding what works best for you requires a degree of experimentation. The work was certainly worth it to me.


CBD oil, cannabis oil and cannabidiol CBD has been used consistently in the treatment of conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety disorders, cancer treatment, multiple sclerosis, post traumatic stress disorder, and for other health benefits. To know more about buy CBD oil Australia and other hemp seed oil benefits, you should book a consultation session with a professional from Chronic Therapy today.

If you are also looking for information about scientific evidence that support both CBD oil and other medicinal cannabis products usage, you are in the right place. You will also be informed about every adverse effects, preclinical evidence, and symptoms related to CBD and hemp seeds, including their potential health benefits, hemp derived CBD products and dietary supplements, how cannabidiol reduces cigarette consumption and as a potential anticancer drug; where to buy CBD oil legally and state medical marijuana laws.

More to read: Can Medical Cannabis impair Our Defence Mechanisms?

How CBD Oil Is Made – The CBD Manufacturing Process

How CBD Oil Is Made - The CBD Manufacturing Process

CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol. It is one of numerous chemical compounds discovered in hemp and marijuana plants. CBD oil is a supplement that may be added to a wide range of items, including lip balm, lotion, beverages, and gummies.

CBD oil is made by extracting cannabidiol from hemp or marijuana plants’ blooms and buds. Cannabis sativa is classed as hemp or marijuana based on the amount of THC, the chemical that causes a high when taken, in it.

It is technically hemp if the sativa plant has less than 0.3 percent THC. Marijuana is defined as any plant that has greater than 0.3 percent THC.

Related: The Importance of Carrier Oil for Cannabidiol CBD

Because hemp contains more CBD and is legal in all 50 states, it is commonly used for CBD extraction. However, how is CBD taken from the plant? The procedure varies depending on the CBD manufacturer.

Primary Methods of Making CBD Oil

There are numerous methods for extracting CBD from plants, each with varying degrees of safety and efficiency. It’s critical to understand the distinction because how CBD is extracted influences the quality and efficacy of the finished product. This post will go over the many ways to produce CBD oil.

The CO2 Process

Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is one of the more prevalent extraction processes for CBD oil. This system makes use of CO2’s ability to behave as a gas, solid, and liquid. For CO2 extraction, closed-loop extractors are most typically utilized.

The procedure begins with a solid chunk of CO2 in one chamber, which is then pumped into a second chamber containing cannabis material. The second chamber is kept at a pressure high enough that the CO2 remains liquid-like and absorbs the plant’s oils and tastes.

The CO2-cannabinoid combination is then poured into a third chamber, where it returns to a gas form, leaving the plant’s oil and taste behind. When done correctly, CO2 extraction produces some of the cleanest cannabis extracts. However, because of the high cost of equipment and the steep learning curve, this is not always the case.

When done correctly, CO2 extracted CBD oil is among the purest in the world, but there is plenty of possibility for error when done in less-than-ideal conditions. Because of the risk of error, subcritical CO2 extraction is mostly used by “boutique” CBD companies.

The Ethanol Process

Another popular extraction method is ethanol extraction, which is safe, easy, and effective. High-grade grain alcohol (ethanol) is utilized as a solvent in this procedure to isolate CBD and other cannabinoids from the plant itself.

Ethanol extraction may be performed in either warm or cold temperatures and is believed to be particularly time-efficient when compared to other CBD extraction procedures, such as CO2 extraction.

This approach produces CBD oil that is commonly used in vape pen cartridges and other items. This extraction procedure, however, removes the cannabis plant waxes, which may offer health benefits that some product manufacturers prefer.

Using Liquid Solvents

The concept of employing a liquid to absorb CBD oil from the cannabis plant extends beyond CO2 and ethanol. Butane, hexane, and isopropyl alcohol are examples of naturally liquid compounds. A liquid solvent is poured through decarboxylated hemp to remove cannabinoids and terpenes, similar to the CO2 or ethanol extraction processes.

Liquid solvent extraction is a less expensive and simpler method of extracting CBD oil, and it is simple to scale for commercial production, but it has drawbacks.

Because not all solvents can remove all contaminants, plant chlorophyll may remain in the oil, giving it a greenish tint and a bitter taste. To avoid contaminants, a CBD manufacturer must adapt the procedure as needed. Because many of the liquid solvents employed are very flammable, this procedure is potentially more hazardous than others.

The Oil Infusion Method

Oil infusion is one of the oldest methods of obtaining CBD oil, and it is still used by many home growers and producers today. It is one of the simplest methods, but it has certain disadvantages.

The plant material must first be decarboxylated or heated to a precise temperature to activate the chemicals before beginning oil infusion. The plant material is mixed with olive oil or a similar carrier oil and cooked for a few hours at 100 degrees Celsius.

Because olive oil cannot evaporate from CBD oil, one of the key disadvantages is that much more oil is utilized in comparison to the amount of liquid solvents used in their processes.

How CBD Oil Is Made - The CBD Manufacturing Process

Secondary Methods

Because some of the preceding methods produce impure CBD oil from the medical cannabis sativa plant, many manufacturers choose for one or both of the secondary processes listed below to further purify their product.


Winterization is the process of eliminating unwanted components from oil to produce best cbd oil. After the oil has been removed, it is blended with 200 percent alcohol and aggressively mixed until thoroughly combined.

The alcohol thins the crude oil by allowing the desired portions of the crude to dissolve in the alcohol while the undesirable elements congeal and freeze, allowing them to be filtered out.

 The combination is subsequently placed in a deep freezer at temperatures below zero. After it has frozen overnight, it appears hazy and is ready for filtration. The filter eliminates lipids and other undesirable elements.

The oil and alcohol combination is poured into paper-filter-lined receptacles. The CBD oil remains in the alcohol solution and travels through the filter, catching the undesirable frozen portions.

When the oil has reached the desired quality, the combination can be heated to the boiling point of alcohol, which is lower than that of CBD oil, to remove the alcohol. The alcohol evaporates, leaving behind the CBD oil.


A procedure known as short path distillation is used to purify CBD oil further. This approach makes use of the fact that different CBD oil constituents have varied boiling points.

Short path distillation begins by gradually heating the CBD oil until unwanted compounds like terpenoids, flavonoids, and impurities begin to boil off. A vacuum is sometimes employed to separate vapors with lower boiling points.

The resulting vapors pass via a distillation tube until they reach cooling coils, where they condense and drip into a separate collection container. The process is repeated until only pure CBD oil remains in the original container.


The basics of what cannabidiol CBD is and how CBD from medicinal cannabis plant is made are outlined above. Following the production of the oil itself, distribution devices such as vials and bottles, as well as vape cartridges and other mechanisms, must be produced. Of course, the production process includes much more, such as CBD product packaging.

CBD oil and hemp oil has been used consistently in the treatment of conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety disorders, cancer treatment, multiple sclerosis, post traumatic stress disorder, and for other health benefits. To know more about buying CBD oil in Australia and other hemp seed oil benefits, you should book a consultation session with a professional from Chronic Therapy today.

The Importance of Carrier Oil for Cannabidiol CBD

The Importance of Carrier Oil for Cannabidiol CBD

Looking at the label of your CBD oil, you’ll notice that it contains more than just the hemp plant extract. CBD oils, as the name implies, also contain an oil, which is typically some sort of vegetable oil or vegetable glycerine.

CBD oil has been used consistently used in the treatment of conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety disorders, cancer treatment, multiple sclerosis, post traumatic stress disorder, and for other health benefits. To know more about buying CBD oil in Australia and other hemp seed oil benefits, you should book a consultation session with a professional from Chronic Therapy today.

These oils serve a vital function in that they aid in the delivery of the active component — in this case, CBD — to the body.

There are numerous carrier oils utilized in CBD products, including coconut, MCT, palm, olive, avocado, hemp seed, sesame, and grape seed oil, each having their own set of benefits and drawbacks.

We’ll go over all you need to know about carrier oil selection in this article. We discuss MCT, olive, hemp seed, grape seed, and glycerine, as well as their benefits and drawbacks. So, let’s get started.

What are Carrier CBD Oil?

A “carrier oil,” as the name implies, transports CBD and other phytochemicals. It’s a straightforward answer. The carrier oil serves as a solvent, dissolving the hemp plant’s components and making them easier to use.

This is not a new concept for CBD products. The same idea applies when producing Kool-aid by dissolving the flavored powder in water or when making soapy water to wash dishes with.

The only difference is that instead of water, fat is employed. This is due to the fact that cannabinoids are soluble in oils and fats rather than water.

What is the Importance of CBD Carrier Oils?

Carrier oils are utilized for three main reasons. Let’s go over each one in greater depth.

1. CBD Absorption is Improved by Carrier Oils

One of the primary reasons CBD oil makers dilute hemp components such as CBD in a carrier oil is to increase gastrointestinal absorption. CBD is a fat-soluble chemical, thus this works.

This is significant because the body has two distinct methods for absorbing compounds: a water-soluble channel and a fat-soluble one. All of this occurs at the microvilli, a functional unit of the digestive tract (pictured below).

Water-soluble substances, such as most amino acids, carbohydrates, and minerals, can pass easily through the stomach lining into the bloodstream. They are then transferred around the body. Water-soluble compounds penetrate the red part beneath the surface in the diagram above (the blood).

Fat-soluble compounds, on the other hand, such as medical CBD oil, cannot enter the bloodstream. They must first be bundled into micelles, which are tiny droplets. These micelles are then transported into the fatty lymph tissue, which is a network of fat-based chemicals and immune cells.

They subsequently pass via the lymphatic system and enter the bloodstream right above the heart. The lymph is represented by the green tubes in the diagram above (called lacteals). These lacteals transport CBD (as well as other cannabinoids) to the lymphatic system.

In order to absorb lipids in this manner, a sequence of enzymes in the digestive tract must break down the fat molecules and transform them into micelles. When we eat fat, taste receptors in our mouth transmit signals to the digestive tract, instructing it to prepare these enzymes.

When we consume CBD in conjunction with other fats, it helps prime the body for this impact, signaling the rest of the body to prepare for fat absorption, effectively increasing the amount of CBD the body can absorb.

2. Carrier Oils Make Dosing Easier

The difference between 5 mg and 50 mg of pure CBD crystals is negligible – 50 mg of this highly refined CBD source is around the size of a match head.

Obtaining precise amounts such as 7.5 mg necessitates the use of a precision scale and cannot be done reliably with the naked eye. We require specialized equipment for this, which is just out of reach for the majority of CBD users.

The remedy is to first dilute the CBD crystals into a carrier oil in a consistent amount, such as 100 mg, 300 mg, 600 mg, or 1000 mg CBD per bottle, as specified on most CBD oils.

The bigger volume of CBD-infused oil is much easier to measure from here. Counting the drips of oil or measuring the fluid in a measuring spoon yields the same 50 mg dose. It dramatically improves the accuracy and consistency of CBD dose.

3. Carrier Oils Provide Additional Health Benefits

Many carrier oils have their own set of health benefits. Coconut oil, for example, is well known for its antibacterial and antifungal effects, and it may help raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. In addition, olive oil is said to lower the risk of heart disease in additional ways.

Other carrier oils provide antioxidant properties, a tiny amount of energy to the body, and healthy omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

Of course, most of these advantages would necessitate considerably higher concentrations of the carrier oil. Effective dosages of these lipids often start around 10 mL and go up from there. Depending on the potency of the oil, the dose of CBD oil might range from 1 to 10ml.

Common Carrier Oils Used for Making Medical Cannabis Derived CBD

Different CBD manufacturers employ various carrier oils, and some even combine multiple carrier oils in the same product to create a unique mixture.

MCT oil (medium-chain triglyceride oil) is by far the most frequent carrier oil used to produce hemp oils – but there are several CBD carrier oil options.

Let’s go over the five most prevalent carrier oils used for CBD from medicinal cannabis sativa plant and analyze the benefits and drawbacks of each.

●       Hemp Seed Oil (Not Hemp Oil)

●       MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) Oil

●       Olive oil

●       Grape Seed Extract

●       Glycerine from Vegetables

What is the Best CBD Carrier Oil?

Many CBD companies claim that their carrier oil is the best available. Many businesses, for example, claim that MCT oil is superior to other options, while others suggest that high-LCT oils, such as olive oil, are superior.

The bottom line is that there is insufficient evidence to show that one carrier oil is superior to another. As it stands, any carrier oil is adequate for dissolving CBD and preparing it for absorption by your body.

And if you are asking yourself right now how to buy CBD oil derived from cannabis sativa plant, Chronic Therapy is here to help you. Just get in touch!

Related: How CBD Oil Is Made – The CBD Manufacturing Process